Dude, that was FUCKED up.
I never thought i would ever get to see machine rape in my life.
Thank you for that experiance........ kinda.
Dude, that was FUCKED up.
I never thought i would ever get to see machine rape in my life.
Thank you for that experiance........ kinda.
Um...your welcome... I guess! lol XD;
I think the best part of this movie is the backgrounds and stuff, because i realize how freaking hard it is to draw DE_dust. that must have taken a long time.
Counter strike ROOLZ
Oh and i can tell that you were inspired by the DE_Aztec by Wei Xing (WX). that was a great flash, and you will get to his level someday if you keep practicing.
Thanks :P
This is a first part of my Counter Strike Animation.
It was just begining...
Joined on 9/1/07